New Year’s Resolution: Get Translation Services Help to Grow Your Business

The holiday decorations are likely put away, the in-laws are gone and the irregular-fitting sweaters you just received are safely stored away in the back of your closet. Now it’s time to tackle those New Year’s resolutions. No, not the short-lived personal goals you boldly make each year that usually sputter to an end by February. We’re talking about the resolutions to grow your business this year simply by being more active in the global marketplace.
Here are three simple New Year’s resolutions to make 2016 your year for ‘Going Global.’  And best of all, we’ll help you meet them if you tend to falter.
Multilingual Marketing Strategy Table Resolution #1: Embrace multilingual translations into your marketing strategy
If you aren’t doing this already, your competitors probably are. The growth of the Internet and social media have made international transactions commonplace. But your international customers no longer have to be physically located on the other side of the globe; they can be right up the street. Census figures confirm that demographics are shifting in cities across the U.S. Over 60 million people – more than 1 in 5 people – now speak a language other than English at home. That means your multilingual customers are as likely to walk into your business as they are to visit your website. So make sure your marketing plans and tactics for 2016 include tapping into a whole new world of customers, whether here at home or around the world.
Resolution #2: Conduct a Communication Audit of your marketing products
Communication Audit Image
Now that you’ve accepted Resolution #1, this is a no-brainer. You no longer have to be a multi-billion dollar corporation to reap the rewards of serving customers worldwide. However, you must ensure your message is accurately and clearly communicated in a way your new customers can understand. Are your marketing brochures, websites, PowerPoint presentations, videos, advertisements and price sheets translated into multiple languages? More importantly, are they localized to fit the syntax, perceptions and cultural standards of each group? Don’t just translate your existing products word-for-word into multiple languages. Your content should be uniquely shaped and targeted to each audience to create a compelling connection that will trigger a sale.  Which brings us to…
Resolution #3: Engage trained, professional translators to do your translation work
There’s a lTranslation Team photoot of buzz about machine translation and automated tools to convert words into different languages. Today’s technology does indeed offer expanded opportunities for easy translation. But that’s the key: these are mostly helpful for quick or basic translation needs when inaccuracies or poor word choices are tolerated. Simple convenience is not enough in the business world. Don’t trust your most critical, sensitive messages to literal software translations. To best convey your carefully crafted brand to customers with a different cultural background, rely on professional translators who know the linguistic nuances of their native language.
Follow these three simple resolutions for creating stronger, broader connections with multilingual customers and watch your business grow in 2016.
If you are interested in “Going Global,” contact us for a Free Quote about your translation services. Make these resolutions a reality with help from ASIST. Happy New Year!