As more businesses and organizations engage in multilingual communications with their customers, it’s important to understand the terminology you will undoubtedly hear when working with your translation service provider. Knowing the exact meaning of the industry jargon will ensure greater success in planning and implementing your foreign language outreach efforts. Here are just a few basics you should know as you get started.
INTERPRETER: This is a professional who transforms VERBAL communication from one language to another. Interpretation can either be “simultaneous” (in real-time, as it is being spoken) or “consecutive” (after each sentence or group of ideas, the speaker pauses while an interpreter repeats that entire section in the other language). ASIST interpreters can easily handle either format. We routinely provide on-site interpretation for business and trade meetings, conferences, medical facilities, legal proceedings, etc., as well as 24-hour telephone or remote video interpreting services.
Multilingual Websites = More Sales. A multilingual website is an easy solution for businesses looking to achieve that competitive edge, increase their client base, and secure higher sales volumes. As the process of globalization deepens, a multilingual website will not be an option, but a necessity. Top 2 Reasons to…
ASIST Translation Services Inc. has been translating to and from Spanish for the US market for over 25 years (as well as other Spanish-speaking countries around the world, of course!). Among the frequent topics of conversation with our translation clients are the many myths and misconceptions about the Spanish-speaking population…
First question: Where is the recorded audio going to be used? In the United States, Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, Central America, South America… or some combination of the above? Choosing an appropriate accent is extremely important. Audiences can easily be distracted when a narrator’s accent seems “out of place,” and…
ASIST Translations summarizes data released by the US Census Bureau in fall 2008: information about the Spanish-speaking and Hispanic population in the USA gathered in 2007.
Business Spanish Translation; Spanish translation advice for commercial correspondence, from ASIST Translations, in Columbus, Ohio.
When you employ a translation agency to create Portuguese, French or Spanish translations of your existing material, simply specifying one of these language names is not sufficient! The Portuguese variety spoken by 163 million people in Brazil has important differences from the variety spoken by 10 million in Portugal. Use…
Facts about the Hispanic population, Somali population and other groups in the area around Columbus, Ohio who speak foreign languages at home. From ASIST Translations, provider of professional translations and onsite interpreters for business, medical, government and legal clients.