The United States’ proud identity as the “land of opportunity” has been a clarion call for immigrants since our country’s founding.
While playing a large role in building the nation from “sea to shining sea,” immigrants also helped weave diverse customs into the cultural fabric of America—from food to fashion, from religion to politics, from music to literature, and more. But the most distinguishing trait people brought from their far-flung corners of the globe is…language.
ASIST Translation Services Inc. has been translating to and from Spanish for the US market for over 25 years (as well as other Spanish-speaking countries around the world, of course!). Among the frequent topics of conversation with our translation clients are the many myths and misconceptions about the Spanish-speaking population…
The figures one sees for the number of Spanish speakers per country vary tremendously. One of the biggest factors is whether the number being cited includes all “Spanish speakers”—including those who speak Spanish as a first, second or even third language—or exclusively those who speak Spanish as their first or…
The Spanish-speaking, Hispanic population in Columbus, Ohio (Franklin County) has increased dramatically over the past few years. Accordingly, the area’s hospitals, healthcare providers, medical suppliers, courts, legal offices, government and social services have met the challenge to ensure that Spanish translations, Spanish interpreters, and culturally appropriate communication is available to…
ASIST Translations summarizes data released by the US Census Bureau in fall 2008: information about the Spanish-speaking and Hispanic population in the USA gathered in 2007.
When you employ a translation agency to create Portuguese, French or Spanish translations of your existing material, simply specifying one of these language names is not sufficient! The Portuguese variety spoken by 163 million people in Brazil has important differences from the variety spoken by 10 million in Portugal. Use…
This is a persistent misunderstanding… Before starting any Spanish translation, having this information handy might be helpful when clients or distributors tell YOU what variety of Spanish is required, without providing any geographical context. Castilian/Spanish, Castellano/Español are all synonyms for the same language. In short, it avoids confusion to…