
Translation Service aids Courts, Hospitals

Because of Elena Tsinman, over 100 interpreters every day help non-English speaking or Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals communicate with local police, teachers, lawyers, doctors, and in various other settings. Tsinman is the owner and founder of ASIST Translation Services, which employs more than 2000 interpreters from all over the…

10 Reasons Why Companies Need Multi-Lingual Websites

The internet continues to expand and has become the standard point of call for individuals, businesses, and educational organizations in need of information or for seeking goods and services. A multi-lingual website is one of the most high impact and visible methods for businesses striving to achieve that competitive advantage,…

Top 10 Reasons Why Foreign-Language Translation & Interpreting are Important to You

  10. Translation/Interpreting helps us fall in love.  Every day interpreters help individuals transcend the language barrier to engage in sweet talk, while translators work diligently to translate love letters for people. 9.   Translation/Interpreting feeds the world.  Consumers buying foodstuffs often speak a different language from the producers of foodstuffs.…

“I need a word-for-word translation.” Really, you don’t…

“I need a word-for-word translation.” Really, you don’t…   A rather frequent request by clients coming in for translation projects are word-for-word translations and on the surface would seem quite reasonable. But is it? Every language has its own specific rules, structure, grammar, syntax, spelling, but these rules don’t necessarily…